What courses does the Hercules Construction Academy offer?

Our academy offers a wide range of courses tailored to various sectors of the construction industry, including: , heavy equipment operation, safety training, and project management.

Who can enroll in the courses at the construction training academy?

Our courses are open to individuals of all experience levels, from beginners looking to start a career in construction to seasoned professionals seeking to enhance their skills or obtain certifications.

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in certain courses?

While many of our courses do not have specific prerequisites, some advanced or specialized courses may require prior experience or completion of foundational courses. Please refer to the course descriptions for detailed information.

How long are the courses, and what is the format?

Course lengths vary depending on the subject and level of depth. We offer a combination of in-person, hands-on training sessions, online modules, and blended learning formats to accommodate different schedules and learning preferences.

What certifications or credentials will I receive upon completing a course?

Upon successful completion of a course, participants will receive a certificate or credential recognised within the construction industry, verifying their proficiency in the specific skill or knowledge area covered by the course.

Does the construction training academy offer job placement assistance?

Yes, we provide job placement assistance to our graduates, including resume building, interview preparation, and connections to our network of industry partners and employers seeking skilled construction professionals.

Are there opportunities for apprenticeships or on-the-job training through the academy?

We collaborate with construction companies and trade unions to offer apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training opportunities to our students, providing valuable hands-on experience under the guidance of experienced professionals.

Can companies or organisations arrange customised training programs for their employees?

Yes, we offer customisable training programs tailored to the specific needs and objectives of companies or organisations in the construction industry. Please contact us to discuss your training requirements and develop a personalised program.